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Watch this video to look inside the book.

Ozie Makes Music Theory Easy to Understand.

Learn to improvise piano with 144 video lessons in taught 6 modules.

You’ll get over 8 hours of premium content that you can go through at your own pace.

Quick and Easy Lessons that will have You Playing Like a Pro!

Download the videos. Get lifetime access online.

You’ll also get the course book and email support from the instructor, Ozie Cargile!

This Video Course with help you Realize Your Piano Dreams

Even if you’ve tried before, Ozie will help you succeed this time.

Watch this video to view the first lesson.

Beginner and Intermediate Students, This Course is For You.

Discover the benefits in each module.

Your piano lessons will begin with an introduction to the keyboard and the fundamentals of music theory. In this module, you’ll learn the note names of the keys on the piano, beginner hand positions and how to approach daily practice. You’ll also learn important music theory concepts including: treble vs. bass, melody vs. harmony, understanding music intervals, and the Circle of Fifths.
Runtime: 39 minutes

Practicing scales is vital to your success as a pianist. They will build strength in your fingers while teaching you the contour of the piano. They will also train your ears to hear the melodic ideas that you’ll use to create and improvise great music later. In this module, you’ll learn what makes a scale as well as the major and minor scales for all 12 keys on the piano.
Runtime:1 hour, 49 minutes

Practicing chords will train your ears to hear the 3-note (triad) and 4-note (seventh) harmonies that will become the building blocks of your own songs. Undoubtedly, you’ll be inspired as you learn the major and minor chords for all 12 keys on the piano, in root position and inversions.
Runtime:1 hour, 41 minutes

Here’s where the magic really begins! In this module, you’ll learn 27 standard chord progressions used across various genres including Rock, Pop, RnB, Hip Hop, Classical, Gospel and Jazz. You’ll recognize many hit songs that use these progressions, and adding them to your repertoire will equip you to compose hit songs of your own.
Runtime:1 hour, 53 minutes

Module 5: Improvisation and Expansion

By the time you reach this part of the course, you will have had plenty of hands-on experience at the piano and achieved an understanding of music theory. This module will teach you how to build upon this foundation and bring your chord progressions to life! You’ll learn to ebb and flow at the piano will arpeggios, chord suspensions, walking bass lines, rolling bass lines, and dynamic pedal tones.
Runtime:1 hour, 12 minutes

Module 6: Reading and Writing Music

No piano course would be complete without a section that teaches you how to read music. In this module, you’ll learn to read and write chord charts, understanding chord symbols. You’ll also receive an introduction to the basics of traditional music notation, including the lines and spaces of the grand piano staff and counting rhythms.
Runtime:1 hour, 9 minutes

The Quicklessons Course Book is INCLUDED!

Be inspired as you learn to read chord charts, studying a variety of standard chord progressions from popular music genres, including rock, pop, R&B, hip hop, classical, gospel and jazz.[/text_block]

The Book Explains the Videos in Greater Detail

Each lesson has easy-to-read keyboard diagrams that show you where to place your fingers!

For every video lesson that teaches a chord progression, the charts are already written out for you, detailing the chord voicings and rhythmic timing that you should use to successfully play through the lesson and jam like a pro. Each chart features both standard chord symbols and Roman numeral figured bass.

The book features over 1,000 color-coded keyboard diagrams that detail exactly where you should place your fingers to play the scales and/or chords in each lesson. Left-hand keys are highlighted with blue, while right-hand keys are highlighted with orange. Perfect for students who just want to play by ear without having to read sheet music.

In the videos, the instructor is known to perform various improvisations, much to the inspiration of his students. Now his improvisations are transcribed for intermediate students who read sheet music. No more rewinding the video trying to figure out exactly what he played. This is also a great resource for teachers using the course as a piano method for their students.

Check Out This Intermediate Lesson 110!

You will be able to play this and more in 144 lessons. Rock, Pop, R&B, hip hop, classical, gospel and jazz!

(You’ll also get lifetime access to the videos online.)

A film composer and pianist based in Los Angeles. His mission to raise consciousness about important issues concerning humanity through music performance and education.

Quicklessons is the Piano Course for You!

With this course, you will learn how to improvise at the piano.

Imagine the joy you’ll feel as jam to your own songs, just like you ear them in your head.

Quicklessons Download is desktop, tablet and mobile friendly.